The controversial new statue at the Cross. Pic: Sally-Anne Moringello |
Lochgelly Town House is still in use at the bottom of High Street |
Small Street runs from West End Park to Sunnyside Place |
Small Street and its bairns taken in 1928 |
The condemned Forrester Court flats behind the Opera House |
The unmistakable image at the bottom of Well Road |
Dundas Street looking south from Main Street |
Timmons Park is a long-established street in the town |
Dewar Street - situated next to Timmons Park |
Auchterderran Road site of the former Cyclists Rest cafe and Jubilee Hotel |
The west side of Reid Street has been unchanged for decades |
Hill Sreet looking north towards Benarty hill |
Hill Strret again, this time looking south |
Grainger Street looking south from Auchterderran Road |
Garry Street has seen few changes in half a century |
Sir James Black Gait named after the Nobel Prize winner who once lived at 23 Station Road. |
Henderson Street before south side of North Street was rebuilt |
North Street at the junction with David Street |
Rose Lane looking south towards the Macainsh Church manse |
Melgund Place at its junction with David Street |
Stationhead Road - a row of cottages looking towards the railway |
Main Street flats next door to the former Macainsh Church (now St Serf's) |
Wildridge Way - a last look before demoltion |
Page Street - part of the Cooperha' scheme |